A Sound Approach to Language Matters: In Honor of Ocke-Schwen Bohn
speech perception, speech production, phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntaxSynopsis
The contributions in this Festschrift were written by Ocke’s current and former PhD-students, colleagues and research collaborators. The Festschrift is divided into six sections, moving from the smallest building blocks of language, through gradually expanding objects of linguistic inquiry to the highest levels of description - all of which have formed a part of Ocke’s career, in connection with his teaching and/or his academic productions: “Segments”, “Perception of Accent”, “Between Sounds and Graphemes”, “Prosody”, “Morphology and Syntax” and “Second Language Acquisition”. Each one of these illustrates a sound approach to language matters.
PAM Revisits the Articulatory Organ Hypothesis: Italians’ Perception of English Anterior and Nuu-Chah-Nulth Posterior Voiceless Fricatives
Paa, Paa Plack Sheep: Discrimination of L2 Stop Voicing Contrasts in the Absence of L1 Stop Voicing Distinctions
Acoustic Comparison of Mandarin and Danish Postalveolars
Normalization of the Natural Referent Vowels
Assessing the Effect of Perceptual Training on L2 Vowel Identifi cation, Generalization and Long-term Effects
Perception of Brazilian Portuguese Nasal Vowels by Danish Listeners
Accent Matters in Perception of Voice Similarity
The Four Troublemakers in Danish Orthography
Northumbrian Rounded Vowels in the Old English Gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels
Native and Non-native English Speakers’ Assessment of Nuclear Stress Produced by Chinese Learners of English
Effects of Semantic Information and Segmental Familiarity on Learning Lexical Tone
Focus on Consonants: Prosodic Prominence and the Fortis-Lenis Contrast in English
Production and Perception of Korean Word-level Prominence by Older and Younger Korean Speakers
Comparing Monosyllabic and Disyllabic Training in Perceptual Learning of Mandarin Tone
Pitch Accents as Multiparametric Configurations of Prosodic Features – Evidence from Pitch-accent Specific Micro-rhythms in German
A Sound Approach to Text Processing: Between Experiments and Experience
On the Need for Experimental Syntax
An Experimental Approach to the Conrad Phenomenon
Ungrammatical Sentences Have Syntactic Representations too
Why German is not an SVO-language but an SOV-language with V2
The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition Revisited: Insights from Error Patterns in Typical and Atypical Development
Contributions of Cognitive Attention Control to L2 Speech Learning
A Non-critical Period for Second-language Learning
Improvement in Young Adults’ Second-language Pronunciation after Short-term Immersion
Understanding Vowel Perception Biases – It’ s Time to Take a Meta-analytic Approach
Second and Third Language Immersion Students’ Pronunciation in Foreign Language English Oral Reading
PAM-L2 and Phonological Category Acquisition in the Foreign Language Classroom

- PAM Revisits the Articulatory Organ Hypothesis: PAM Revisits the Articulatory Organ Hypothesis:
- A Sound Approach to Language Matters A Sound Approach to Language Matters
- PAM-L2 and Phonological Category Acquisition in the Foreign Language Classroom PAM-L2 and Phonological Category Acquisition in the Foreign Language Classroom
- Second and Third Language Immersion Students’ Pronunciation in Foreign Language English Oral Reading Second and Third Language Immersion Students’ Pronunciation in Foreign Language English Oral Reading
- Understanding Vowel Perception Biases – It’ s Time to Take a Meta-analytic Approach Understanding Vowel Perception Biases – It’ s Time to Take a Meta-analytic Approach
- Improvement in Young Adults’ Second-language Pronunciation after Short-term Immersion Improvement in Young Adults’ Second-language Pronunciation after Short-term Immersion
- A Non-critical Period for Second-language Learning A Non-critical Period for Second-language Learning
- Contributions of Cognitive Attention Control to L2 Speech Learning Contributions of Cognitive Attention Control to L2 Speech Learning
- The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition Revisited: Insights from Error Patterns in Typical and Atypical Development The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition Revisited: Insights from Error Patterns in Typical and Atypical Development
- Why German is not an SVO-language but an SOV-language with V2 Why German is not an SVO-language but an SOV-language with V2
- Ungrammatical Sentences Have Syntactic Representations too Ungrammatical Sentences Have Syntactic Representations too
- An Experimental Approach to the Conrad Phenomenon An Experimental Approach to the Conrad Phenomenon
- On the Need for Experimental Syntax On the Need for Experimental Syntax
- A Sound Approach to Text Processing: Between Experiments and Experience A Sound Approach to Text Processing: Between Experiments and Experience
- Pitch Accents as Multiparametric Confi gurations of Prosodic Features Pitch Accents as Multiparametric Confi gurations of Prosodic Features
- Comparing Monosyllabic and Disyllabic Training in Perceptual Learning of Mandarin Tone Comparing Monosyllabic and Disyllabic Training in Perceptual Learning of Mandarin Tone
- Production and Perception of Korean Word-level Prominence by Older and Younger Korean Speakers Production and Perception of Korean Word-level Prominence by Older and Younger Korean Speakers
- Focus on Consonants: Prosodic Prominence and the Fortis-Lenis Contrast in English Focus on Consonants: Prosodic Prominence and the Fortis-Lenis Contrast in English
- Effects of Semantic Information and Segmental Familiarity on Learning Lexical Tone Effects of Semantic Information and Segmental Familiarity on Learning Lexical Tone
- Native and Non-native English Speakers’ Assessment of Nuclear Stress Produced by Chinese Learners of English Native and Non-native English Speakers’ Assessment of Nuclear Stress Produced by Chinese Learners of English
- Northumbrian Rounded Vowels in the Old English Gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels Northumbrian Rounded Vowels in the Old English Gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels
- The Four Troublemakers in Danish Orthography The Four Troublemakers in Danish Orthography
- Accent Matters in Perception of Voice Similarity Accent Matters in Perception of Voice Similarity
- Perception of Brazilian Portuguese Nasal Vowels by Danish Listeners Perception of Brazilian Portuguese Nasal Vowels by Danish Listeners
- Assessing the Effect of Perceptual Training on L2 Vowel Identifi cation, Generalization and Long-term Effects Assessing the Effect of Perceptual Training on L2 Vowel Identifi cation, Generalization and Long-term Effects
- Normalization of the Natural Referent Vowels Normalization of the Natural Referent Vowels
- Acoustic Comparison of Mandarin and Danish Postalveolars Acoustic Comparison of Mandarin and Danish Postalveolars
- Paa, Paa Plack Sheep: Discrimination of L2 Stop Voicing Contrasts in the Absence of L1 Stop Voicing Distinctions Paa, Paa Plack Sheep: Discrimination of L2 Stop Voicing Contrasts in the Absence of L1 Stop Voicing Distinctions