Palynological Sampling in Western Jutland 2021-22: ANTHEA Work Package #2
heathlands, pollen, DenmarkSynopsis
A palynological sampling programme was carried out in three areas of Western Jutland in 2021-22. Our goal was to collect new sediment samples from archaeological excavations and peat deposits to reconstruct patterns in past heathland use and development. The location of the case areas was determined by the potential of the sites for combination with existing palynological data (Solsø Hede) and/or archaeological data (the Vejen area). At Solsø Hede, a pollen core was obtained near Solsø. At Vejen, two separate sediment collections took place. To the north of Vejen, in Gammelby Mose, peat sediments were collected. To the south of Vejen, at Kongehøj, 15 samples were collected from a Bronze Age house floor plan. The sampling programme formed part of the research project called ANTHEA (Løvschal 2021), which focuses on the deep history of anthropogenic heathlands. The project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 853356).