Creating Supply Chain Resilience Through Scenario Planning: How a Digital Twin Can Be Used To Enhance Supply Chain Resilience Through Scenario Planning
supply chain disruptions, supply chain resilience, digital twin of a supply chainSynopsis
This book focusses on the concept of supply chain disruptions and how supply chain resilience can contribute to both preparing for and reacting to the event causing disruption. For building a digital twin of a supply chain, a software named Supply Chain Guru has been used. The software is a supply chain design tool which can be used for different kinds of supply chain network optimisation. The book outlines four scenarios: Covid-19 lockdown, Brexit without deal, Conflagration at a dairy and Political regulations on transport. The scenarios all contain a problem that needs to be solved. This problem is considered as the main disruption for the supply chain. Running the scenario in Supply Chain Guru, constraints are added to the AS-IS model. The constraints are identified as implications of the event in the scenarios. By adding the constraints and running the model, Supply Chain Guru identifies suggestions to solve the problems which were described. The solutions within the scenarios are held up against the theory of supply chain resilience, to describe how the scenario planning can be used to enhance supply chain resilience. Finally, the book discuss how scenario planning can be related to supply chain resilience as well as how scenario planning can be used to increase supply chain resilience.
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