Assembling the house, building a home. : The Late Iron Age longhouse (500-1000 AD)
assemblage theory, arkæologisk metode, arkæologisk teori, archaeological theory, archaeological method, longhouse, langhus, architecture, arkitektur, hjem, home, temporalitet, temporality, vikingetid, Viking Age, settlement archaeology, bebyggelsesarkæologi, Late Iron Age, Yngre jernalderSynopsis
The archaeological approach to longhouses in current excavations and settlement research in Denmark is characterised by quite uniform questions related to the date and function of the longhouses but rarely towards the further interaction between the longhouse and its original inhabitants. This has lead to a two-fold aim of the thesis: To investigate the longhouse as an archaeological phenomenon and to explore the role of the longhouses in the Late Iron Age settlement at Strøby Toftegård. The over-all aim with the thesis has been to reengage with the longhouses and present a new perspective inspired by the recent theoretical discussions collected under assmeblage theory and New Materialism. The thesis consists of four individual articles and a synthesis. Each article investigate teh archaeological record of the longohuse from different angles: excavation adn documentation; typology; biography and social memory. The synthesis explores the wider perspectives of the longhouse as a home discussing Late Iron Age longhouses in relation to participants' tent camps at the Roskilde Festival today and present a general theory of home as a temporal phenomenon.
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